New Jersey agent shines in young agent organizations

By Rachelle Striegel

07p74.jpg Jacki Frank-Jungsberger manages Tri-County Agency of Brick, Inc., in Brick, New Jersey.

By definition, a brick is a rectangular block of clay used as a building and paving material. It's a solid, sturdy object that can withstand even the most extreme circumstances. In more obscure terms, a brick can also be defined as a helpful, reliable person. That can be someone who is a prominent figure in her community, someone who's always willing to lend a helping hand, both personally and professionally. And someone you can trust. Jacki Frank-Jungsberger, AAI, ACSR, CPIW, our featured young agent for July, fits that description perfectly.

It's only by coincidence that Frank-Jungsberger was born, reared and currently resides in Brick, New Jersey. The residents of that city would certainly agree that Frank-Jungsberger is a brick. She's part owner of Tri-County Agency of Brick, Inc., the insurance agency where she has been working for 13 years. She knows nearly everyone in Brick. She's honest, trustworthy and hardworking. She's held several offices in various insurance organizations, both on national and state levels. She continues to be active in the National Young Agents program. And she gives back to her community. She even sells funnel cakes and butterfly potatoes for the Brick Lions Club at Summerfest. How much more helpful and reliable can a person be?

She comes by it honestly. Her late mother, Nancy, worked as an office manager for Tri-County years ago and was a respected, well-liked person in the community. "My mother was everyone's friend," remembers Frank-Jungsberger. "Many of the agency's clients would stop in just to chat with her. She was always there to help out, and you could always count on her."

Frank-Jungsberger attributes her strong work ethic to her father, Donald. He's been in the insurance industry for over 30 years. He worked as a branch manager for a regional company before becoming a producer at Tri-County. He purchased the agency in 1988. "My dad is my role model," Frank-Jungsberger says proudly. "He's been very successful in his insurance career. I learned my strong business sense from him."

With insurance pumping through her veins, it's no wonder Frank-Jungsberger pursued a career in the industry. "Insurance was my parents' livelihood. Although they didn't push, they still inspired me to go into the business. It was the best decision I could have made."

Taking the bull by the horns

It all began when Frank-Jungsberger was in college. She worked at Tri-County with her mother on a part-time basis. She did this for about two years. After she graduated, she knew the insurance industry was for her. Like most college graduates, she wanted a career that would compensate her well. From her own minimal experiences and from her parents' careers, she knew it was a lucrative field. Upon graduation, she went to work for another independent agency for about two years.

J Young Agent.3 acki Frank-Jungsberger says her role model is her father, Donald Frank (above left). He purchased Tri-County Agency in 1988 and has since relinquished the management to his daughter.

Then in 1987, Frank-Jungsberger's mother passed away suddenly. She volunteered to come back to Tri-County to help fill the void. Her father was still working as a producer in the agency, and Frank-Jungsberger wanted to be close to him.

She wasn't aware of it at the time, but in 1988, Frank-Jungsberger's professional life was about to take a sharp turn, and her career in insurance would be nothing short of spectacular. Her father purchased Tri-County Agency of Brick that year. Frank-Jungsberger was exposed to every aspect of running an insurance agency. She devoted much of her time to learning the office operations and how the financial and customer service areas were managed. She became more and more intrigued with the industry and knew she wanted to become more involved.

Enter the professional insurance organizations. Frank-Jungsberger had joined the Insurance Women of Ocean County Association back in 1986--while she was still working for the other agency. She became very active in a short period of time. She climbed the ranks and held several offices. Eventually, she became president. Then in 1995, she was awarded the Ocean County Insurance Woman of the Year.

Because of her active involvement with the Insurance Women of Ocean County, she was asked to become the young agent representative for the Independent Agents of Ocean County. This was only the beginning of her advocacy for young agents across the country.

Movin' on up

In 1989, Frank-Jungsberger joined the executive board of the Independent Agents of Ocean County. Being involved with the Independent Agents of Ocean County allowed her to serve on the state board of young agents. "I really enjoyed being the young agent representative for Ocean County," Frank-Jungsberger says. "So much that I moved up through the state young agent ranks and became president of the New Jersey Young Agents in 1996."

In 1997, Frank-Jungsberger was awarded New Jersey's highest honor for a young agent: Young Agent of the Year.

Playing young agent's advocate

As a young agent representative, she realized the potential of young agents and the impact they had on the future of the independent agency system. "For the past 25 years, young agents have grown to become the nucleus of the future of the Independent Insurance Agents Association," says Frank-Jungsberger. "Young agents have become more visible on Capitol Hill and with the legislative process. We have helped to bring technology to the independent agency system, and we are committed to assisting independent agents in getting wired. Many past and present officers of the IIAA were former young agent leaders."

Frank-Jungsberger is quick to point out that young agents have made their mark on the insurance industry. "Years ago, young agents had a reputation of being fun people who liked to socialize. Through the years, they have earned the respect they deserve by becoming involved with political, technical and business issues, both on state and national levels."

Young Agent "For the past 25 years, young agents have grown to become the nucleus of the future of the Independent Insurance Agents Association."

--Jacki Frank-Jungsberger

Frank-Jungsberger recently attended the IIAA's National Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. "Over the past few years, the IIAA requested that the national young agents host the conference." At this year's conference, the Young Agents Association hosted many events including President Clinton's address, the legislative briefing, legislative appointments on Capitol Hill and the congressional reception.

"Young agents are the future of the agency system," Frank-Jungsberger adds. "Many agencies are getting larger through agency acquisitions and many of the growing agencies have been perpetuated by young agents."

Frank-Jungsberger currently remains active with young agent organizations. She serves on the board of the Independent Insurance Agents Association of New Jersey as a member-at-large. She previously served on the education committee and is currently a member of the communications committee. She also serves as chairman of the state convention committee. She continues to serve on the board of the New Jersey Young Agents and is also the eastern region director on the National Young Agents Committee.

What does the future hold?

In the years since her father bought Tri-County Agency of Brick, Frank-Jungsberger has become a partner in the business. She has taken over the reins of the financial and customer service operations. Her father will soon retire, so he relinquished all management responsibilities to her. "He confidently lets me run the entire operation," Frank-Jungsberger proudly says.

Her goals for her agency are to grow her clientele and to market alternative products. Tri-County Agency writes 90% property/casualty insurance. It also dabbles in individual and group health and life insurance, writing about 10%. Currently, the agency maintains a 50-50 split of personal to commercial lines business. "Our book of business is a mixture of retail, contractors, food manufacturers, fraternal organizations, mercantile and service organizations," Frank-Jungsberger explains. "Tri-County writes all forms of insurance. We don't write any specialty programs. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I can offer an insurance product to a client with a hard-to-place risk. I'm glad that I have the means to offer my clients various insurance products and services that can fit their needs."

As for her involvement with the young agents, Frank-Jungsberger plans to continue her stint as a board member and adviser on the state and national young agent committees.

As if her professional memberships were not enough to keep her busy, Frank-Jungsberger still finds the time to get involved in community organizations. She is a former president of the Brick Lions Club and is still actively involved. She's also a member of the Brick Chamber of Commerce and attends meetings occasionally.

Frank-Jungsberger says that her career in insurance has been rewarding thus far. She has met a number of people, some of whom became her closest friends. "I love getting up every morning knowing that I will be helping people protect their most valuable possessions." She's a brick all right--helpful, reliable and willing to help out the community of Brick with service that's as strong, stable and secure as a brick wall. *

For more information:

Tri-County Agency of
Brick, Inc.

Brick, NJ

phone: (732) 477-1010
