February 2009
Cover Story:
Unique ownership plan fuels teamwork
Growth and independence are assured as new people enter the ownership ranks.
Specialty Lines:
Construction market challenges
Insurers face the double whammy of a soft market and investment losses.
A model program
It takes an insurance village to raise an insurance child
Technology eco-consciousness
Agencies are finding creative ways of reducing their impact on the environment.
Perfect balance
Benefits-focused non-brokerage services are impetus for new business.
Other Feature Stories:
Congratulations to Parker, Smith & Feek
2008 Marketing Agency of the Year.
Construction sector expected to rebound as stimulus package hits.
The road less traveled
Todd Jackson starts agency from scratch.
Workers comp
The market should start to benefit as stimulus takes hold.
RRG defeated by state economic power
Despite victories in court, AD-RRG was defeated by California's deeper pockets.
Single parent captives: Still viable?
Soft market brings on strategic reviews.
D&O market in flux
Mortgage meltdown, corporate settlements threaten D&O availability and affordability.
Timing is everything
RLI enters design professionals liability market at an opportune moment.
Kelly takes command
New CPCU Society president looks to the future.
Risk Management—Construction contractor business
By Donald S. Malecki, CPCU
Risk Managers' Forum—Differentiate your agency with risk management services
By David McKinney, CIC, CRM, CSP, ALCM
Winning Strategies—It's tough decision time—
are you prepared?
By Roger Sitkins
Benefits Business—Benefits education takes
on added importance
By Len Strazewski
Public Policy Analysis & Opinion—The fox
in the henhouse
By Kevin P. Hennosy
Beyond Insurance—Value proposition…Your meal ticket to an amazing career
By Scott Addis
Young Agent Forum—Make your mark in Washington
By Meghan McGarry, ACSR
Critical Issue Report—State guaranty funds…what will their future role be?
By Phil Zinkewicz
Enterprise Risk Management—A growing body
of evidence
By Michael J. Moody, MBA, ARM
Court Decisions
PF&M at a Glance
People Management
Centuries of Rough Notes
Rough Notes Staff