December 2008
Cover Story:
Doing old things the new way
Relationships, service and underwriting are constants,
but implementation is new.
Specialty Lines:
Soft market redux
Surplus lines leaders predict an end to the softness,
but disagree as to when.
Create a “service experience”
MyWave Elements enables agencies to craft branded, customized
Web portals that provide commercial clients online access to data,
resources and service.
Thinking green, going green, saving green
“E-cycling” obsolete technology helps the environment,
needy organizations and the bottom line.
An equal P-C/benefits revenue split & a common philosophy
Wisconsin firm stresses risk management approach with its
wide range of products & services.
Other Feature Stories:
Duo share Irma Platt Award
For the first time, two insurance professionals receive honors.
Think small
Insurance and nanotechnology— welcome to the future.
Leading for tomorrow
Sitkins coach delivers straight talk about new management imperatives.
The 2009 Rough Notes Company Community Service Award
Nomination deadline is approaching.
Next come the lawsuits
The bailout is only phase one; Guy Carpenter suggests
many lawsuits will follow.
All systems go
MarshBerry powers up to drive agency growth.
Leadership changes at The AMS Users’ Group
Risk purchasing groups: Soft market strategy?
Risk Managers’ Forum—Are you ready to investigate sexual harassment?
By Steve Carter, JD, CSRM, ARM, CRM
Management by Coaching—“What’s right” thinking
By Kimberly Paterson, CEC
Critical Issue Report—Agent’s work product
By Phil Zinkewicz
Benefits Business—Mental health treatments become standard benefit
By Len Strazewski
Public Policy Analysis & Opinion—When the buzzards
come home to roost
By Kevin P. Hennosy
Enterprise Risk Management—When risk becomes a four-letter word
By Michael J. Moody, MBA, ARM
Producer Self-Management—Overcoming the inevitable obstacles
By John Edward Love, CPCU
Court Decisions
PF&M at a Glance
Rebuilding Cost Chart
2008 Index of Articles
Centuries of Rough Notes
Rough Notes Staff