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Target Markets Program Administrators Association


ReSource Pro

With its huge volume of transactions, the property/casualty business is extremely labor intensive. Even as sophisticated automation systems and other advances in technology have helped both insurers and agents enhance their efficiency and reduce expenses, agency employees continue to bear a heavy load in processing transactions.

Dan Epstein, chief executive officer for ReSource Pro, says his firm offers a solution to free up these employees from routine processing and enable them to become more productive and profitable agency employees.

ReSource Pro’s solution—remote staffing—utilizes experienced, college-educated insurance processing specialists in China, who speak fluent English and connect remotely to the agency’s system via the Internet. The service is available to MGAs, program managers and retail brokers.

The agency is not required to migrate its management system or data to an external provider. ReSource Pro receives daily task updates via electronic fax, e-mail and suspense codes in the agency’s management system and completes its processing tasks according to scheduled priority lists. The agency can set access restrictions and monitor performance of the remote processing specialists.

Among the tasks those specialists can perform are policy checking, issuance and endorsements; rating, quote preparation and binding; billing, reconciliation and claims reporting; and inspection reviews, MVRs, etc.

“The key point,” Epstein emphasizes, “is that we are customizing our solution to the client, and, given our domain expertise in insurance processing, we can learn and deliver service on complex workflows.”

ReSource Pro’s clients talk about the many benefits of remote staffing, including relief from the challenge of finding and training qualified staff, and the substantial impact to agency top and bottom lines. “By freeing up existing employees from routine processing, we enable them to drive more business to the top line,” Epstein says. “At the same time, we improve the bottom line because it’s significantly less costly to have the same people in China doing the work quickly and accurately.” *


“By freeing up existing employees from routine processing, we enable them to drive more business to the top line. At the same time, we improve the bottom line because it’s significantly less costly to have the same people in China doing the work quickly and accurately.”

—Dan Epstein
Chief Executive Officer
ReSource Pro