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Congratulations to

Hetrick & Associates Insurance
Marquette, Michigan

2006 Marketing Agency of the Year

The votes are in, and the winner of the 2006 Agency of the Year is Hetrick & Associates Insurance of Marquette, Michigan. The winning agency, originally featured in last August’s issue, was chosen by representatives of agencies that have appeared on the cover of Rough Notes in prior years.

Hetrick & Associates has been in business for more than 100 years, and since a new team of owners took control 10 years ago, it has tripled its revenues, to $3.1 million. The agency’s marketing territory is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where the population averages 19 people per square mile. Consequently, its strategy has been to build a diverse book of business (38% commercial lines, 36% personal lines and 26% benefits), utilizing incentives to encourage personnel within each division of the firm to cross-sell.

By establishing a division for small commercial business and another for small group business, the agency has boosted the service capabilities for both large and small accounts. Providing value-added services for workers compensation is a major focus.

Meetings involving as many of the firm’s 25 employees as possible are held throughout the year, building a climate of sharing and participation in the agency’s direction. This includes an annual off-site meeting for all employees. There also are quarterly retreats for producers, which focus on filling the new business pipeline.

Hetrick established a business development center, which produces quarterly marketing campaigns and tracks sales results via internally developed software.

The agency encourages both employee education (there are six CICs, 11 CISRs and a number of people working on CRM and CPCU designations) and employee fun. (Parties include a Super Bowl tailgate party—not outdoors, let’s hope—a Valentine’s Day breakfast, a family summer picnic, barbeques, chili cook-offs and a Christmas party.)

The owners of Hetrick & Associates will be presented with the Agency of the Year award at a dinner in early March, attended by members of the Rough Notes editorial review board, other agents and Rough Notes executives. A follow-up story on the agency will appear in May. *

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The people at Hetrick & Associates contend with small population density and long winters, giving rise to one of their slogans: “If you can do it in the U.P., you can do it anywhere!”