Special Section sponsored by

Actuarial and consulting services for program administrators
Because of GPW’s keen interest in the answers to that important query, Rough Notes magazine arranged a face-to-face interview with two of the company’s senior associates. That conversation follows:
Rough Notes (RN): We are visiting with Joe Kirsits, F.C.A.S., M.A.A.A, vice president, and Larry
Prudhomme, CPA, senior manager, to discuss how GPW can assist new and existing
program administrators by making their programs easier to evaluate by the
carrier, easier to manage by the administrator, and more profitable for all
RN: Larry, tell us a little bit about GPW and your interest in Target Markets
Program Administrators Association (TMPAA).
Larry Prudhomme (LP): GPW is an Arizona-based actuarial and consulting organization that was formed in
September, 1998. Today GPW is composed of the original company, GPW and
Associates, Inc., which provides management services, and its wholly owned
subsidiary GPW Actuarial Services, Inc.
RN: Joe, what are the benefits of engaging GPW?
Joe Kirsits (JK): GPW strives to partner with our clients throughout the life of the program. We
guide and support programs during the submission, negotiation, decision and
implementation processes. Once the program is up and running, we can assist in
its maintenance by working with key program personnel and the carrier to
prepare a comprehensive analysis of the program’s profitability. We think that owners who know the most about their program’s risk profile will differentiate themselves by utilizing this knowledge to
increase revenue and earnings for all involved. To the extent that the program
has solid data with supporting actuarial analysis, the relationship with the
carrier partners will be strengthened.
RN: Joe, please provide some background on what your client should expect in a
program report.
JK: Our studies are custom built and tailored to the unique needs of each client.
Typically, the first step is to meet with the client to get program history, identify available data, and discuss any
historical items that would impact our analysis of the loss ratio projections.
Secondly, we will evaluate the loss experience to project our estimate of the
ultimate loss ratios for the business under review. The final step is our
recommendations to the program owners as to what changes, if any, are needed to
meet the objectives of the program.
RN: Joe, in the question discussed earlier, can you expand on how GPW might
accelerate the decision making process for the carrier?
JK: While not all carriers require an actuarial report with their program
submissions, it has been our experience that those submissions accompanied by
an independent actuarial report are far more likely to receive favorable
treatment from the carrier than those that do not. The actuarial report
provides data, assumptions, analysis and conclusions in a format that can be
easily reviewed by the carrier’s management team. This not only cuts down on the time required by the carrier,
but in the end, a submission with an actuarial report is more likely to move to
the front of the line.
RN: What types of clients has GPW been successful with?
LP: GPW works with a range of clients with a broad spectrum of underwriting risk.
Our experience enables us to work with all of the entities associated with
TMPAA. Our strength lies in our identification and understanding of the
strategic value proposition that our clients provide to their markets. We take
pride in our reputation for providing “big company” services with the individualized attention that a “small company” can bring.
RN: Joe and Larry, we appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise by
participating in this annual special section highlighting the fruitful
interaction amongst TMPAA members. Thank you.
Joe Kirsits and Larry Prudhomme welcome your inquires about GPW’s benefits to program administrators. Contact them at jkirsits@gpwa.com or
lprudhomme@gpwa.com or call (602) 200-6900. You can also visit their Web site
at www.gpwa.com.