Special Section sponsored by

New Empire Group, Ltd.
Key offerings administered: High limit commercial umbrella programs for the real estate industry, including the "Smart" Primary Series for property managers errors & omissions programs, hotel & motel programs, and co-op & condo insurance programs
Commercial Insurance Programs for Real Estate
New Empire provides insurance programs for real estate and hotels including high
limit commercial umbrellas, GL and property coverage, errors & omissions for property managers, D&O and environmental coverage for apartments and community associations. The
company provides exceptional pricing and fast turnaround on quotes/binders.
Umbrella coverage limits begin at $5 million, with options for $10 million, $15
million, $25 million, $50 million, $75 million and $100 million.
Robert E. Mackoul, CLU, New Empire’s chief executive officer, says, “We help MGAs and brokers sell their primary coverages by offering them the
umbrella solution that makes them more competitive in the marketplace. Our
programs are written through many of the insurance industry’s most trusted carriers—such as the Chubb Group, Navigators, Travelers, and Zurich.”
New Empire Group administers unique programs that deliver umbrella and other
coverage for a variety of real estate risks through programs providing coverage
• Condominium associations and community associations
• Senior and student housing
• Commercial & office buildings
“Our agency clients know they can count on our ability to offer effective
solutions quickly and consistently,” says James O’Neill, New Empire’s director of primary programs and vice president of business development. “Our results are what have built the strong relationships that we have in the
agencies that we do business in.”
The “Smart” Series of Primary Programs
In early 2009, New Empire Group launched the “Smart” Series of Primary Programs.
• Cooperatives, Condominiums, & Apartments—The “Smart Real Estate Program” provides GL and property coverage to meet the needs of community associations
and apartments in selected states. The program also offers D&O for community associations.
• Hotels & Motels—The “Smart Hotel & Motel Program” is a package policy addressing the needs of well-maintained franchised hotels
and motels throughout the United States. The program provides comprehensive
coverage and custom endorsements for qualified risks at extremely competitive
premiums. It is available in all 50 states.
• Property Managers Errors & Omissions—The “Smart Property Managers Errors and Omissions Program” is designed for property management firms with annual revenues of up to $10
million. It features comprehensive liability coverages and custom endorsements
for property management firms that qualify. The program is admitted in all
states except Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Vermont and Wyoming.
• Environmental Program for Real Estate Risks—The Building Owners Environmental Program features site pollution coverages—above and below ground storage tanks, lead paint, and asbestos—for buildings that qualify.
All New Empire principals have many years of retail agency experience. “We know that brokers require quality products and great pricing, but above all,
outstanding service. We continually aim to satisfy,” said Underwriting Vice President Robert G. Mackoul, Jr. “We strive to build long-term relationships by recommending companies and
products with high degrees of integrity while, at the same time, providing the
exceptional service that our retail brokers and MGA clients expect and deserve.”
Island Park, New York 11558