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Abacus.net, a leading manager of online insurance programs since 1998, manages
high transactional programs. This translates into brokers and carrier partners
benefiting from substantial efficiencies, increased revenues and cost
The results speak for themselves. Premium writings at abacus.net continue to
increase annually at double-digit rates. The number of new firms signing up
with abacus.net and the amount of risks quoted have increased at a similar
Abacus.net benefits to insurance carriers include:
1) Loss ratios substantially below industry norms
2) Advanced automation capabilities
3) Expanded national distribution
4) Strict adherence to underwriting disciplines
5) 24/7 real time access to live data
Brokers see an advantage to using abacus.net because of its speed and
flexibility. By using the proprietary abacus.net software platform, brokers
access programs and bundle coverages from different carriers into a single
integrated quote. Because the abacus.net platform performs all aspects of the
insurance transaction, brokers can quote, process payment, order coverage and
issue policies in minutes. Abacus.net programs are available in all 50 states.
In addition to its 35 unique online programs, Abacus offers coverage options not
available elsewhere online. Production programs, for example, include coverage
for over 60 types of stunts, animal injury/sickness/death, and cast coverage.
“By continuously expanding the capabilities and offerings on abacus.net, we
empower brokers by making them more efficient for their clients. Once they
realize the value offered by abacus.net, they return to the site for future
risks,” says Darren Lewin, abacus.net vice president, programs division.
Abacus continually seeks ways to enhance the user experience for brokers. One
such example is the recent launch of the Abacus Message Center. The
cutting-edge functionality of the Message Center allows brokers to communicate
with Abacus in real time. The Message Center enables brokers to submit and
manage inquiries and requests for a specific risk, upload documents, and monitor responses from Abacus.
Carriers partnering with abacus.net
Partnering with abacus.net has immediate marketing advantages for carriers.
Carriers gain instant access to a nationwide network of more than 2,500
insurance offices, representing over 6,000 insurance professionals. Additional
offices are continuously added. “These are generally smaller offices that do not have direct appointments with
our carriers,” says Lewin. “They are an excellent source of new business since they are agents that carriers
would not otherwise be able to reach.”
Abacus.net requires the following of its carrier partners:
1) Rating of “A” or better
2) XIV minimum financial size
4) A management team that shares the abacus.net vision
“Insurance companies have instant access to risks on abacus.net,” says Lewin. “Transactions and their underlying components are completely transparent. If a
transaction shows up in our database, the carrier can access it—from the rating algorithms, to form assignment, to rules, policy output and
applications—everything that goes into the risk. The same goes for reporting and statistics.”
Online program management boosts bottom line
As one of the pioneers of online program management, abacus.net’s experience and technical expertise generates impressive returns for the
brokers and carrier partners. “Our results are superior to our peers,” says Lewin. “Abacus.net’s unique approach to risk qualification creates enhanced results for carriers—with loss ratios substantially below industry standards. That means more profit
for carriers and brokers.”
For more information about abacus.net and its services to carriers and brokers,
call Darren Lewin at 310-500-2302, email: darren.lewin@abacus.net or visit