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Zurich North America
Customer focus drives continued program growth
Spend any time talking with Craig Fundum and you’ll quickly learn that program business is important business for Zurich in North
America. “We believe very strongly in the program model,” says Fundum, who is president of Programs & Direct Markets for Zurich’s North America Commercial business division. “We’ve had considerable success putting together effective coverages and services
for our customers, and we have very aggressive growth plans for the program
Relationships are an important part of the insurer’s approach. “When we work with the right program administrator, great things happen for us,
for them, and for the customer,” Fundum explains. “We are actively seeking new opportunities—existing programs and start-ups—from our current and new program administrators.”
According to Fundum, Zurich has much to offer. “We’re one of the top global insurers, and we’ve avoided the financial problems others have experienced, particularly in terms
of investments,” he says. “More than that, we’ve built a strong customer-focused culture. By keeping an eye on customers
first, all things follow.”
The firm’s Zurich HelpPoint tagline reinforces this. “Zurich HelpPoint reflects the knowledge guidance, range of solutions, and
efficient service we try to deliver to our customers,” Fundum notes. “It’s a corporate-wide culture.” Principles behind the focus include deep customer understanding; insightful
guidance; global perspective; fast, fair, and easy service; and a high standard
of customer care.
Zurich’s program business operation deploys these principles in many areas. “We have segmented our organization into several strategic business units [SBU],” Fundum says. “One is focused on transportation programs.” Included in this is a flagship ambulance program.
A “segmented programs” SBU brings workers’ compensation, professional liability, and other proficiencies to programs. “One growth area we’re especially excited about is in accident and health,” Fundum notes. “There’s a huge market, particularly in the accident arena, and our operation is staffed with experienced professionals who understand the business.”
The organization’s construction SBU has done well despite tough economic conditions. “We continue to enjoy a leadership position in this area,” Fundum notes. “Construction activity may be at an all time low, but we continue to increase
market share. We’re excited about that.”
Fundum’s operation also has an alternative programs unit. “That’s where we serve programs that may have an alternative risk transfer or
alternative distribution mechanism,” he explains. These include bank-distributed homeowner products, crop, property
E&S, and aviation.
“We also have a captives SBU and enjoy being the number one writer in the group
captive arena,” Fundum adds.
To accentuate its capabilities—and help program administrators grow—the company maintains a Web site, ZProgramsMatch.com, to match prospects with
programs. “We work with more than 70 programs,” Fundum notes, “and we have really strong relationships with program administrators.” The online facility strengthens both the programs and the relationships.
Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) has played a key role
in Zurich’s recent program business success. “TMPAA has done exceptional things for our industry,” Fundum notes. “The structure of the association and the meetings facilitate positive
interaction between carriers and program administrators, MGAs, MGUs, and more.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank the organization for what they’ve done and what they continue to do.”
Fundum values participation in the organization and, especially, in TMPAA
meetings. “We have specialists in a lot of areas,” he notes, “and we look forward to talking with potential program administrators about any
opportunity in the program space.”