Special Section Sponsored by Target Markets Program Administrators Association
Automotive Risk Management & Insurance Services, Inc.
As one of its charter members, Automotive Risk Management & Insurance Services (ARM) has found that the Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) is an extremely valuable forum for combining all of the elements required for successful MGA operations by bringing them together with other MGAs, carriers and vendors who have a direct mutual interest in MGA operations.
The core business at Automotive Risk Management & Insurance Services, according to Marvin McDougal, president and chief operating officer, is devoted to providing a stable property casualty market for the automobile, RV, and heavy truck dealer industry on a nationwide scope, with specialty carriers who are all rated A- or better by A.M. Best. Other programs are being developed to take advantage of ARM’s Web-based “submit-quote-bind-issue” automated system.
ARM also has programs available for most other garage-type risks, such as dealers involved in selling and servicing used cars and trucks, truck tractors, and RVs, as well as other operations related to repairing, servicing, towing, salvaging, and valet parking. Additional markets are available for many other types of small businesses. ARM also has an active excess & surplus lines operation and does extensive work in the area of loss prevention and control. ARM policyholders are provided with access to needed safety information via ARM’s Web-based facility, www.armsafety.com.
Through its affiliated company, dbCache, ARM has developed a management information system geared specifically to the needs of MGA operations, including all phases of underwriting, claims, statistical and accounting, risk analysis, and regulatory compliance necessary for MGA operations. This system is designed to satisfy all requirements of the carriers involved, without need for any duplication. It can be licensed to other interested parties and can be customized to their specifications. Unique to this system is the ability to accommodate variable monthly reporting form policies as well as other payment options.
Automotive Risk Management & Insurance Services is owned by McDougal and Don Marlette, chairman and CEO. McDougal started his career with Universal Underwriters in 1962 and has been involved in the dealer business ever since. Marlette has been active in handling this line of business since the mid-1950s. ARM is the successor to other similar operations formed and operated by McDougal and Marlette since 1980.
Most key staff members have been associated with ARM’s operations since the company’s inception: Cathy Whitby, senior vice president of underwriting; John Krivacsy, president, Meridian Claims Service, an ARM-affiliated company; Jerry Rogers, excess & surplus lines; Maria McDougal, executive vice president of underwriting and production; Julian Street, vice president of production and loss control; Wayne Whitby, treasurer; and Vasco David, chief information officer.
Target Markets continues to be a prime resource to ARM operations, not only in bringing together all elements necessary to MGA operations, but also by providing the opportunity to communicate with other association members, producers and carriers. McDougal says, “We at ARM are very proud and happy to be charter members of Target Markets.
“Ever since ARM’s founding, we have prided ourselves on being serious underwriters. Active membership in the Target Markets Program Administrators Association has helped us to continue developing our skills and expertise.” → |
Marvin McDougal
President & Chief Operating Officer
Automotive Risk Management & Insurance Services, Inc.