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Giving Back

The Rough Notes Company
Community Service Award nominations continue

“To do more for the world than the world does for you—that is success.”
—Henry Ford

Many independent insurance agents embody this principle of real success—making this world a better place in which to live by helping others who are less fortunate. Their impact in their local communities and around the world is felt in many ways: through fundraising, creating charitable organizations, working with their hands.

Through its annual Community Service Award, The Rough Notes Company recognizes some of the agents and agencies who have given of themselves, their time and their money to improve the lives of those around them. These selfless professionals seek no attention for their efforts, preferring to be silent heroes. The Community Service Award celebrates the many ways that independent agents give back to the world.

Do you know an independent insurance agent or agency that has performed extraordinary service within the local community or around the world? Whether you represent an agent or an agency, a state or national insurance trade association, an insurance company, or a charity or other community service organization, you are eligible to nominate that person or firm for the 2010 Rough Notes Community Service Award. Simply complete the Nomination Form on the following page, along with the supporting documentation, and submit it by December 31, 2009.

In early 2010, the winner and up to four honorable mention recipients will be honored in Indianapolis, Indiana, in conjunction with Rough Notes magazine’s Marketing Agency of the Year celebration. The winning agent’s charity will be honored with a $5,000 donation in the name of the winning agent/agency/broker; the honorable mention charities will receive $1,500 in the name of the honorable mention recipient(s). Each winner will receive an engraved sculptured eagle as a memento of his or her outstanding philanthropic activities.

The Rough Notes Company
Community Service Award

Award Conditions and Prerequisites

Purpose: To recognize and present an award to an independent insurance broker, agent or agency that has demonstrated extraordinary community service within his/her/its local, regional or national community. And, to present the winning community service project with a check in the amount of $5,000 to help further its special cause(s).

Criteria: Nominees will be judged on their overall contribution (funds raised, people helped, volunteerism, etc.) to their community service project and/or initiative, and the positive impact (both short-term and long-term) that their efforts have made toward their community service project.

Nomination Period: Nominations will be accepted at the offices of Rough Notes magazine by U.S. mail, overnight delivery or hand delivery up to and including December 31, 2009. No nomination forms will be accepted after December 31, 2009. Please note that no facsimiles or e-mails will be accepted.


1. Nominators must complete the nomination form in its entirety and provide all supporting documentation;

2. All nomination forms and supporting documentation must be received at the offices of Rough Notes magazine no later than December 31, 2009;

3. No facsimiles or e-mails will be accepted;

4. All nomination forms and supporting documentation become the exclusive property of Rough Notes magazine. Further, the nomination form and supporting documentation may be used at the sole discretion of Rough Notes magazine to publicize the award and award recipient, and to promote the Community Service Award program;

5. A letter from the community service project verifying and describing the project must accompany the nomination form;

6. Incomplete nomination forms or nomination forms without supporting documents will not be considered;

7. Nominators may nominate themselves or their agency.

Note: Please detail only one service project per nominee.

Selection: Designated individuals from The Rough Notes Company and selected others will review all nomination forms and supporting documentation and select a winner and honorable mention recipients. The winner and honorable mention recipients will be honored at Rough Notes magazine’s “Marketing Agency of the Year” awards dinner in Indianapolis. A representative of the winning community service project will also be invited to attend this function to be honored and presented with a check.


1. The winning community service project will be presented with a check in the amount of $5,000 in the name of the award recipient.

2. The winning broker, agent or agency and honorable mention recipients will be presented with a sculptured engraved eagle.

3. Honorable mention projects will receive a check for $1,500 in the name of the award recipient.

4. Rough Notes magazine will publish an article to publicize the community service project, the award winner and the honorable mention recipients.

5. The awards dinner will be held in Indianapolis in early 2010.

Mailing: All nomination forms and supporting documents are to be sent to:
The Rough Notes Company
Attn: Community Service Award
11690 Technology Drive
Carmel, Indiana 46032-5600










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