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November 2009

Marketing Agency of the Month:
An organic growth culture
New business emphasis results in best year
ever in this soft market.

Specialty Lines:
Protecting security firms
In spite of recession, market fares well.

The apartment market
Despite real estate market woes, apartment/condo specialists see.

Changing the dialogue with commercial insureds
The Risk Management Center helps agencies improve
clients' risk profiles, solidify customer loyalty.

Benefits Agency:
The important place of benefits in a small market
Strong revenues, tighter client ties and a base for future growth.

Other Feature Stories:  
Customer service excellence
The National Alliance names Ronie Foronda CSR of the Year.

Giving back
The Rough Notes Company Community Service Award nominations continue.
Nomination form PDF

Saying "yes" to small commercial
Travelers Select Accounts delivers on its promise to make agents' paths easy.

Weather risk management
The market is capitalized for the big one; but then what?.

A long history of support for education
The Hartford provides support for both high school and college students.

Choosing a domicile
Onshore or offshore jurisdictions; each has benefits.


Critical Issue Report—Major changes—slow to come
Predictions indicate that soft market will continue to reign
By Phil Zinkewicz

Enterprise Risk Management—Progress report
By Michael J. Moody, MBA, ARM

Benefits Business—HR opportunities
By Len Strazewski

Winning Strategies—Basic strategies for retention and referrals
By Roger Sitkins

Public Policy Analysis & Opinion—Financial system modernization?
By Kevin P. Hennosy

Risk Management—Losses from interruptions in utility services
By Donald S. Malecki, CPCU

Building Equity Value—Agency acquisition: The sales process approach
By Wayne Walkotten


Court Decisions
PF&M at a Glance
Ownership Statement
Centuries of Rough Notes (PDF)
Rough Notes Staff