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Target Programs

Providing immediate search access to the insurance industry’s program administrators

2009 marks the fourth anniversary of the Target Programs Web site ( That’s four years of connecting retail agents with program administrators. Ray Scotto, executive director of the Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) states, “The goal of Target Programs is to connect retail agents with our program administrators. All administrators featured have a mini Web site or “Outlet Center” that highlights their niche program(s). From here retail agents can contact administrators and work with them directly.”

Kate Boyle, marketing coordinator for Target Programs, works very closely with both program administrators featured on the site, as well as retail agents. “When program administrators join the site I make sure their Outlet Center features their programs as clearly as possible. I want a retail agent to see the Outlet Center, get the ‘gist’ of what programs the administrator has to offer, and have them make the connection.” Target Programs is not designed to get involved in any of the business transacted between the retail agent and the program administrator. Boyle says, “We’re there just to make certain the two parties meet.”

Ms. A.J. Brown, marketing manager from Britt/Paulk Insurance Agency, Inc., notes, “Our agency started with Target Programs five months ago. In that short time, Target Programs has directed 76 new agents our way. That’s 76 agents who want to know more about our specific programs. Not bad!”

Marvin McDougal, Automotive Risk Management Insurance Services, Inc. (ARM), comments on his firm’s long standing relationship with Target Programs. “We have been using Target Programs since its initiation. It has become our most successful venue for directing new producers to our products.”

Bobbie Simpson, of Sports & Fitness Insurance Corporation, finds that the site gets her agency noticed by more agents. “As a program administrator, we have had tremendous success connecting with agents and marketing our programs through Target Programs. Target Programs puts our agency in front of interested agents!”

Today Target Programs features over 60 program administrators. Included in membership benefits, each administrator participant of Target Programs has a list of opportunities throughout the year which will feature their agency. Among these opportunities that continue to be successful are the weekly e-blasts. Each Monday and Friday morning Target Programs releases a short press release, or “blast,” that features one administrator. It is sent to a database of agents that have asked to be updated with program information. The blasts are designed to be brief and give agents just a few key points about the administrator. Damon Pesce, marketing manager, Maritime General Agency, says, “Maritime General Agency has been using Target Programs for three years. Their e-mail blasts continuously drive qualified leads to us. I can certainly quantify the ROI [return on investment] based on business written from these leads.”

In addition to the Monday and Friday blasts, Target Programs also sends a newsletter to a large database of agents each week. Each member agency is featured exclusively once a year. Many association members also take advantage of individual electronic ad development and distribution.

This fall Target Programs will be enhancing the site to make it even easier for retail agents to connect with our program administrators. Boyle says, “We spend a lot of time speaking with retail agents who are using the site, many of them for the first time, and we’ve listened to their questions and comments. We know the access points and search tools that are most often used, and we’ll be showcasing them even more.

“Economic times are tough and other sites offer similar services, but not as cost effectively as Target Programs does, and certainly not with all the attention we place on customer service. It’s this attention to detail that administrators find unique.”

Jennifer Schoenthal, senior underwriter, Professional Program Insurance Brokerage says, “At Professional Program Insurance Brokerage we appreciate the qualified warm leads we get from our Target Programs e-blasts. We have enjoyed success with the e-blasts, online Outlet Centers, marketing contacts and educational opportunities that Target Markets provides. Their level of service is GOLD.”


Retail agents interested in receiving program market updates, or who would like to explore the Target Programs database, should visit

Program administrators/ MGAs who wish to learn more about TMPAA and listing their programs on our Web site should visit














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