Court Decisions

Is COVID claim covered?

INSURANCE-RELATED COURT CASES Digested from case reports published online COURT DECISIONS Is COVID claim covered? Tapestry, Inc., owns “modern luxury and lifestyle...

Keep on trucking

INSURANCE-RELATED COURT CASES Digested from case reports published online COURT DECISIONS Keep on trucking David Simons, an agent of Kaiser Trucking, Inc.,...

Dueling UM clauses

INSURANCE-RELATED COURT CASES Digested from case reports published online COURT DECISIONS Dueling UM clauses Niyokia Lee and James Cooper sustained damages in...

Bad day for Rite Aid

INSURANCE-RELATED COURT CASES Digested from case reports published online COURT DECISIONS Bad day for Rite Aid The question before the appellate court...

Lead paint debate

INSURANCE-RELATED COURT CASES Digested from case reports published online COURT DECISIONS Lead paint debate CX Reinsurance Company issued commercial general liability policies...

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